Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 12:13 PM
Sleazy n' scandalous
The latest book I've been reading is called Sex with Kings by Eleanor Herman. Mostly I picked it up because I couldn't resist the title. Also at the time, I was feeling sorry for myself as well as a bit self indulgent and felt I deserved some sleazy reading. This pretty much fits the bill. Overall, it is a bit choppy, as she divides the relations between kings and their mistresses into categaories, ie multiple mistresses vying for the king's attention (It's good to be king!), or how cuckholded husbands deal with the situtaion. She mainly focuses on the private lives of about four kings, but as different scenes from their lives are doled out among the categorical chapters, I found myself confused about who was who, though it starts to become more clear about halfway throught the book. Aside from this major problem with the layout of the book, there are some very entertaining stories to be read. And since it is so choppy, it would make excellent bathroom reading. Overall, a good way to spend a weary afternoon, curled up with a dish of bon bons.
By adriennelibrarian at 12:13 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 12:13 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 5:47 PM
Let's hear it for choice!
The natural gas billed arrived the other day. Included with the usual brochure thingy telling you not to excavate trees in a thunderstorm was an "environmental update" for Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) aka suppliers. (I truly do not understand why the categories for everything have to be so complicated these days.) I don't give money to Greenpeace or anything, but I am interested enough in the environment to at least try educate myself enough to choose lesser evils. Anyway, this sheet lists two charts a piece for seven companies. The first lists percentages of fuel sources to generate electricity (biomass, coal, hydroelectric, natural gas, nuclear, oil, solid waste and wind), and the other lists the air emissions for each company, relative to the state average. Aside from the one company that mostly uses nuclear power, the percentages for fuel sources are exactly the same for all the other companies. Hence, their emissions are all the same, although one does manage to come in 1% under the others for sulfur dioxide. I am not completely sold on nuclear power. The air emissions are far lower than the others. Actually, the emissions are a lot lower than the state average. I just don't trust that the waste will always be taken care of properly. One is then left with two choices among seven companies. So, how does one choose among the conventional companies? One is called ECONnergy, whose byline is "Break Free." Highly entertaining. Or ironic at the very least. In the end, it's just about picking a name. You could go with the name that is most aesthetically pleasing. My advice: pick the one with the shortest name so as to spend less time writing checks each month.
By adriennelibrarian at 5:47 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 5:47 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 3:28 PM
The Company of Oneself
I am in the process of reading Fifty Days of Solitude by Doris Grumbach. These are the musings of a writer in the middle of a Maine winter, delibrately shunning society as much as possible. It combines several elements that have long captured my attention: solitude and an acute awareness of the natural world. I enjoy the company of such writers. The world seems such a larger place on a small scale. Without the distractions we have come to accept, even embrace, there is time to examine one's thoughts as well as the habits of the wildlife one shares a piece of land with. For writers of this genre at any rate, the observations of even the smallest details of daily life provide insights which would otherwise be missed. Never having entered into such an experiment myself, I am sure my impressions are largely romanticized, but then, each of us is entitled to harbour her own secret fantasies via books. For some, a bare chested, wind blown Fabio embraces a busty, lusty heroine on the cover. For others, the cover presents snowy hills pricked by black trunks supporting lacy branches.
By adriennelibrarian at 3:28 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 3:28 PM
at 12:14 PM
True Story
I went to Burger King the other day and ordered a veggie burger. The girl behind the counter asked me, "Would you like cheese or bacon on that?"
By adriennelibrarian at 12:14 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 12:14 PM