Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 3:28 PM
The Company of Oneself
By adriennelibrarian at 3:28 PM
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
I lived in quite a few Maine winters in solitude (unless you really want to count living with my family, a very large Dalmatian, a Maltese, a Shizu (in the last year), and an amazon green parrot.)
It was amongst a really beautiful wilderness backdrop that, alas, was pierced with a little too much with the realities of people and their ignorance towards nature.
I don't want to destroy yer happiness by piercing yer fantasies, so, I'll stop here.
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
why the heck izzit im always the first one to respond to yer blog...
adriennelibrarian said...
could be you iz the only person who reads it
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
I'll figure out a way to fix that.
I'm gettin' tired of seeing 8 or 9 comments on my blog, yet, only seeing like one or two comments (usually all by me) on every 'un elses.
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
And yet, today, it happened again. Now people are actually having BETTING POOLS about me $!$#!#$$@$@#$@$$%@#
I'm gonna solve this problem once and for all. One way or another, everyone is gonna be seen...your stuff too.
Is she ill?