Friday, November 17, 2006 at 1:59 PM
Heavenly Stupidity
By adriennelibrarian at 1:59 PM
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Talking fruit bats and killer santas rock....I still think about that b-movie "Silent Night" with that psycho santa at this time of year for some reason.
I'm gonna keep an eye out for that book - it sounds good, and you sort of have good taste...
adriennelibrarian said...
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Anytime...though I should have said "kind of" where I said "sort of"
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Those were sarcastic jokes, btw...not to be taken too seriously.
Wandering around the internet,found this blog,and was wondering if this is the same Adrienne that went to a college in Vermont on a mountain about a decade and odd years ago?
If so, this is Phil, who used to bum around your dorm room with Cheryl listening to (oh no) the Lemonheads.
Either way- found Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way a bit disappointing after If Chins Could Kill...
If you are the same Adrienne, Miss you!
If not, sorry.
Will check out The Stupidest Angel. Zombie Santa rocks.
adriennelibrarian said...
Yes Phil, it is I and there is such a thing as Santa Claus. I am reluctant to say you are right about Make Love. Bruce is my one and only all time favorite theatrical person, and it is difficult to admit one of his endeavors is something less than spectacular. BTW, I cannot vouch for the Stupidest Angel version 2.0. Apparently, the last chapter was drastically rewritten.