Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 9:13 PM
Just got back yesterday from spending the weekend at a camp in the Adirondacks. A combination of things gave me a lot to think about, so much so that I don't think I have time to put it all into one post. The week before, all of the meteorologists, here and in Watertown said it would rain all weekend, and this I was prepared for -- but the weather was lovely, and I was so grateful. We were able to hike and go canoeing, which is what I had really hoped we would be able to do. I took Friday off work, packed at my leisure, drove up and arrived relatively early. Driving back Monday was a joy because of what was not there -- no need to race home, no need to immediately unpack. Somehow, being up there momentarily cleared my mind of all the usual crap that resides there. There was time to read and hang out with people and just be.
By adriennelibrarian at 9:13 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 9:13 PM