Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 9:03 PM
Painting Away Chaos
So I am clearing out my living room about 3 feet at a time, prepping it to paint. I am removing the books from the shelves and packing them up in boxes to be left in the garage until the job is done, which is a bit of an extreme measure for a person like myself who has this "problem" with books. As in accumulating way too many of them. Even after the paint goes on, I think I will let the shelves remain empty for a little while to try out the minimalist point of view. This will be rather a novel experience in itself. I've always been a busy person, and the environments I create for myself generally reflect that. In high school my personal appearance definitely reflected that. Anyway, I eventually want to get the whole room emptied, except for the furniture -- there isn't any other storage place for that. In the end though, things will be sorted out and there will be somewhat rational reasons for having things where they are aside from sheer laziness or "oh shit company is coming i'll just throw this shit in here they'll never know." When I was younger I didn't plan for anything, which made life pretty exciting because I was open to almost anything. If something came up out of the blue, I would say sure, why not? unless there was a really obvious reason why not, but that didn't usually stop me either. All that has given me some pretty good stories to tell, but there is something to be said for planning. . . .while not always a deterent to the forces of chaos, it does provide some stability that would never exist without it. I guess i've gotten sick of flying by the seat of my pants. I know Justin will have problems with the lack of books in my living room, though I am sure he will be relieved to know I did not pack the reference books away and they are sitting in a pile next to an easy chair, in what he considers an aesthetically pleasing manner. Of course, when I have gone through everything, it will be infinitely easier to locate books that come up in the course of conversation. . . .
By adriennelibrarian at 9:03 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 9:03 PM