Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 10:37 PM
This is a test....
just to try and figure out how this thing works. Thanks Shaw, for setting this up because you know I never would have done it on my own. Who knows, maybe I will get all blog saavy and I will have followers of the blog just waiting to read the words of wisdom I would publish for all the world to see and appreciate. Hey, I can always daydream, can't I?
By adriennelibrarian at 10:37 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 10:37 PM
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Don't worry...I'll promote ya.
Oh yea, one thing...I forgot to hook up the comments notification thing to your email. Not too hard to do...
adriennelibrarian said...
You don't have to do that. What's to promote? Occasional ramblings from the boondocks?
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Are you saying that no one has ever written anything good from the boondocks?
adriennelibrarian said...
Don't let Annie Proulx hear you say that or she will kick your ass.
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
The last thing I need right now is another person in line waiting to kick my butt....
I'm gonna get an ass shield one of these days...