Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 9:12 PM
Buffet n' Burgers
Been kind of a long day. The morning started with a 3 hour meeting, followed by an enjoyable reprise for a few hours at Java Junction with Justin. (J is my favorite letter in the alphabet, so having 3 J-words converge in a sentence describing my day gives me bizzarre pleasure.) The next 6 hours had to be spent at work. I would probably feel less tired if I had put something into my body over and above a bowl of Raisin Bran, two cups of Columbian coffee (heavy cream, a little sugar) and a cheeseburger. One of the libraries I work at is located in a plaza about 30 years old. The line of businesses runs as follows: Dr's office, pizza place, library, bar, storefront church, empty laundromat, abandoned grocery store whose interior walls are reputed to have moss growing up them. The bar next to the library has the best cheeseburgers on the planet. They are so greasy and delicious. They even McDLT'd it, separating the hot stuff from the cool stuff in the styrofoam box. (If you are in the nonfiction section of the library on a Friday afternoon, you can be sure to hear Patsy Cline's "Crazy" or Jimmy Buffet doing "Margaritaville" -- if the mood so strikes, you may also check out his book, A Salty Piece of Land -- sorry, can't help myself, I am a librarian, after all.) An interesting feature of the bar is that it has rustic boards on the walls up to chair rail height -- that are painted silver, which looks cooler than you are probably imagining, but not by a whole lot. Usually I call in my order and walk over, but one day it took them a bit longer and some guy at the bar was talking to me about being Catholic in this town. I don't remember exactly why this was a big deal, but apparently it was enough of a major component of his identity that he had to bring it up with complete strangers, trying to get them to side in an argument he was mostly having with himself because nobody else in the bar seemed to care a whole lot. Kerouac could probably find meaning in this, tonight I am at a loss.
By adriennelibrarian at 9:12 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 9:12 PM
Eric said...
That was a pretty steller book, but anything Buffett throws at you is pretty much worth checking out (no pun intended).
adriennelibrarian said...
I never really got into Buffet, though do confess a weakness for Margaritaville, but this may have something to do with all the radio my mother listened to when I was a kid or my taste for Jose Cuervo.