Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 1:24 PM
Free Speech. Who's Speech? And Where Are They Keeping Him?
So I am in the middle of reading On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. Well, not really in the middle, more like at the beginning. Yes, it is another short book. But it takes longer to read, as it is a bit denser than your average novel. If you have the patience for Victorian phrasing, it's not too bad. If you give a damn about free speech, it's important to read. An interesting thing about his approach is that he considers government action as well as social censure. So far (I've just finished the Intro. and gotten into Ch. II), he basically points out that social customs are rather arbitrary. Because they vary so widely with time and culture, none of them can make claims of absoulute truth. This is why it is so important that everybody have thier say. It could be that the crazy guy on the corner is actually proclaiming the Truth with a big T. He might even be the only person on the planet with this insight. And if we suppress him, then we may be suppressing the progress of the whole race. Ah yes, I am feeling the well-spring of my UU upbringing just come gushing up.
By adriennelibrarian at 1:24 PM
By adriennelibrarian at 1:24 PM
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
Are you saying that you DON'T want to hear that crazy guy and what he's saying?
Sure, that's your choice. But he has a right to say it, just like you and I have the right to run quickly by him and throw snowballs at the dude.
adriennelibrarian said...
Um, I think what I was saying is that he does have a right to say what he wants, no matter how crazy it might seem.
Shaw Israel Izikson said...
so you feel the same way then eh? That's cool...